Owen W. Gilmore, CFA

Owen joined Barrett Asset Management in 2016. He is an Associate Managing Director and Portfolio Manager, with responsibilities include managing client relationships, portfolio management, security selection, and portfolio construction. He is co-manager of the firm’s Enhanced Equity Income Strategy and both of the firm’s two mutual funds. Additionally, he serves as CFO and Treasurer to one of the firm’s mutual funds.

Owen interned as an Equity Research Summer Associate in the Healthcare Group at Manning & Napier while in business school. Prior to that, he was an Investment Analyst at Boston University’s Investment Office, where he evaluated existing and potential new investment managers across all asset classes through portfolio analysis and manager meetings. He also enhanced and maintained the Investment Office’s models and analytical tools used to monitor portfolio performance, investment exposures, cash flow and liquidity.

“Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination.”

—Fitzhugh Dodson

Owen holds a BA from Colby College, double majoring in Economics (with a concentration in Financial Markets) and Mathematical Science. He has an MBA in Accounting, Financial Instruments and Markets, and Leadership & Change Management from New York University’s Stern School of Business. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation and is a member of the CFA Institute. Owen is a Board Member of Red River Forests and serves as a member of the Archie & Berta H. Walker Foundation. With Maine roots, he returns for summer visits and currently resides in Brooklyn, NY.

Independent Thinking. Tailored Solutions.